
Wednesday 28 May 2014

 What’s fast has four wheels and has lots of different brands? Cars.

Cars are fast, good looking, and useful to transport objects and people. There are different types of transport like planes, trains, and buses, and there are also different sizes and types of vehicle on this planet which can be used to take people and objects from one place to another.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

About Me

Hi my name is Ngamanu and i am 13 years of age I am a very intelligent Maori boy that goes to Ruapotaka school. My favourite subjects at school are  arts, and P.E.  Apart from school I love hanging out with my friends, and spending quality time with my family. I am the youngest boy in my family. The rest are big mean brothers and I have three sisters and the youngest girl is my chubby little sister. My goal before i leave Ruapotaka school is  try my hardest at everything in school also to be BETTER THAN BEFORE. My hobbies are games and sports I also like to eat chocolate. What i like to eat any time is butter chicken. I like making new friends with other people.